Thursday, November 17, 2011

Green cars can help the environment and your bank balance

If you are thinking about getting a new car you should definitely consider a green car. There are currently a lot of green cars on the market, and they are renowned for providing excellent mileage while also being better for the environment.

Whether your carbon footprint is something that you are concerned about or not, reducing the amount of CO2 emissions within the atmosphere is something that you should be aiming to do. The government plans to reduce its CO2 emissions by at least 34 per cent come 2020, and unless individuals living and working within the UK help in this bid it will be difficult to reach the target. Lowering the United Kingdom’s CO2 emissions will go some way to help reduce global warming, which is now becoming a genuine and noticeable risk all around the world. Nearly every country has put similar measures in place, with hopes of turning back the clock on the damage that has already been done to the planet.